- Product
- Services
- GBTS Panel
- Software System
- Reagents
- Instruments
- …
- Product
- Services
- GBTS Panel
- Software System
- Reagents
- Instruments

- Product
- Services
- GBTS Panel
- Software System
- Reagents
- Instruments
- …
- Product
- Services
- GBTS Panel
- Software System
- Reagents
- Instruments

GenoBaits® Soybean 40K Panel
Soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) is one of the most important economic crops, which provides main source of oil and protein for human activities. Synergistic improvement in soybean yield and quality has been one of the key breeding trends in recent years. Molbreeding’s R&D team has designed a GenoBaits® Soybean 40K Panel from deep resequencing data of 2898 representative soybean accessions with the team led by Dr. Tian Zhixi from Chinese Academy of Sciences. After several rounds of optimization validation, this panel is made of more than 40,234 marker regions and a total of 59,903 high-quality SNPs, suitable for most of soybean breeding programs and mapping applications.
- Product Highlight
The polymorphic sites were selected and validated in 2,898 sequenced soybean accessions, including 103 wild species (G.soja), 1,046 Land race and 1,747 Improved cultivar.
This panel includes a series of traits and agronomic markers (total 154 functional loci, and 74 genes), such as seed size, pod number, pod density, protein content, oil content, isoflavone level and other quality traits, as well as growth period and plant type. Disease resistance and stress resistance related regions are also designed into marker clusters, as well as SMV and SCN etc.
The 40K panel can be used selectively by sequencing less or add-in additional modules to fulfill different application scenarios. We have derived 20K and 10K soybean panel available for service.
- Application
For Discovery Service
Genetic diversity analysis
Genetic map construction, Gene/QTL mapping
GWAS analysis, Functional gene mapping and cloning
For Breeding Service
Molecular module design
Molecular marker-assisted selection
Genome-wide selection breeding
- Service Process
- Report Visualization
- Documents